A Christ Ordained Ministry To Set The Captives Free

Information About
The Causes of Opression
A Practical Christian Deliverance Methodology Which is Designed For You And Your Specific Need

This ministerial website was created to give anyone who may feel that they suffer needlessly from oppression a practical guideline and methodology towards  becoming set free from addictions, anxiety, depression, fears, anger, self condemnation, and a whole host of other oppressors; AND freely exposes the root causes that have allowed the enemy of ALL people (Satan) to confound, shackle, and seek to destroy you--the innocent. The information disclosed within this website may be found by anyone if sufficient research is involved, however, it is this ministries' aim to eliminate the time necessary to put two and two together by openly disclosing my own history of bondage, the practical methodology that Christ has openly taught me which enabled me to walk out into freedom, and to share 20 years of insight discovered in the ministering  of this freedom to others. The disemmination of this information has been a long time in coming to fruition, however, many of Christ's beloved (this includes you) are falling prey to the clutches and harmful effects of our adversary, so time is of the essence.

Addiction in various forms, and suicide due to depression, is needlessly killing hundreds daily, so please help this ministry get the word of freedom to those that need to hear it. Remember please that he (Satan) hates you, and is focused upon whom he may kill and remove from the glory of God, AND his greatest weapon is the lie that he continually whispers in your ear; yes, even through the people that are the closest to you. IT IS NOT GOD THAT HATES YOU, IT IS THE WHOLE HOST OF THE DEMONIC REALM THAT HAS TRESPASSED ACCESS TO YOU. God loves you through Jesus Christ, and this website will demonstrate that proof.

The video presentation on the right was done a few years ago with the focus on how God's word impacted  early AA (Alcoholics Anonymous). The same may be said for any form of addiction or oppression currently encountered. THERE IS AN AVENUE TO ESCAPE INTO FREEDOM... "how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and HEALING ALL who were OPPRESSED by the devil, for God was with Him" (Acts 10:38, NKJV).

In the ABOUT US section of this website you will encounter my life testimony and how I escaped from the bondage of Alcoholism, and subsequently from a whole host of other oppressions/oppressors.

In the section on OPPRESSION I explain in detail why many millions of people are oppressed, and how we have open doors that grant the enemy the right to oppress us even when we are unaware of those open doors, or the enemies influence upon us.

In the section entitled FREEDOM I outline a specific course of action to enable you to break the chains of bondage that holds you bound, and to enable you to set others free.
I use this website as my only means of Income. I would therefore humbly ask that you would help me in this ministry through donation either on the HOME page or the DONATION page. May our Lord graciously bless you in doing so. and I sincerely thank you in advance. 

Mark Locke 
 Your ongoing support sustains this Homebased ministry to outreach into the community where those who adividly seek deliverance from oppression may find release and relief.
Help Jesus Christ fulfill His Commission to Set the Captives Free by supporting this Ministry.
The money you donate today will help to forever change the life of a person suffering from depression, addictions, and a broad scope of other debilitating demonic based oppressions.